Communication and Language

Listening and attention Understanding Speaking We learn to communicate with others in a range of ways We develop a wider vocabulary and descriptive language We learn to listen to others and take turns to speak We learn to listen attentively to stories, songs, rhymes and poems and respond to what we hear We learn to […]
Friendly Frog
Friendly Frog is happy to share, He’s always thoughtful and kind. He plays others’ games and listens with care And is willing to change his mind. Making friends Each child will love the exciting and stimulating opportunities to belong, be, enjoy and interact with the children around them. They will feel valued and safe […]
Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Self-confidence and self-awareness Managing feelings and behaviour Making relationships We learn to play together co-operatively and constructively We learn to respect and take care of each other We learn to do things for ourselves We learn how to behave in a range of settings We dress up and pretend to be other people We learn […]
Curious Cat
Curious Cat just loves to explore The world all around that she knows, She searches out facts, asks questions, and more. Just see how her confidence grows! Opportunities to explore Making sense of the world around them and their community through opportunities to explore, observe and find out about anything, anyone and any place […]

Reading Writing We learn about letters and sounds in our weekly sessions We share books with each other and choose books to share at home We talk about books and stories and recognise the difference between pictures and print We use a variety of tools including pencils to make marks We begin to use our […]
Reading Writing We learn about letters and sounds in our weekly sessions We share books with each other and choose books to share at home We talk about books and stories and recognise the difference between pictures and print We use a variety of tools including pencils to make marks We begin to use our […]

Numbers Shape, space and measures We learn to sort, match, order, sequence and count lots of things We solve problems We play with the water and learn about capacity We use scales to measure our ingredients during cooking sessions We begin to understand the language of position and size We use appropriate language to talk […]
Numbers Shape, space and measures We learn to sort, match, order, sequence and count lots of things We solve problems We play with the water and learn about capacity We use scales to measure our ingredients during cooking sessions We begin to understand the language of position and size We use appropriate language to talk […]
Expressive arts and design
Exploring and using media and materials Being imaginative We sing songs, make and explore music and dance We love to explore and develop our creativity using a full range of materials We explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function We work alongside each other and with […]
Expressive arts and design
Exploring and using media and materials Being imaginative We sing songs, make and explore music and dance We love to explore and develop our creativity using a full range of materials We explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function We work alongside each other and with […]